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Welcome to Wendy's Blog


Updated: Jan 8

This latest anthology (and I'm betting the tune for the title is now embedded in your brain!) was a fun project that started as a joke. The editor/publisher was talking about the explosion of music-related short story anthologies. A friend of his said, "At least please don't do one for one hit wonders." A lightbulb moment. And so, here it is, an anthology of crime stories inspired by those flash in the pan songs by groups that are never heard from again. Some of the biggest names in short mystery fiction appear in the volume, along with (insert delicate blush) me.

My story, "It's Raining Men," was inspired by (a) a song I've always enjoyed, (b) the video on youtube of the song being performed (check it out; it's a hoot), and (c) my visit back in the day to a male strip club. What a fun project! I hope you'll consider checking it out. You'll find links on the "Short Stories" page shown on the banner at the top of this blog.

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My Garmin Forerunner had stood me well when I was training for half-marathons and my one-and-done sprint triathlon. I chose it because it was waterproof and could count laps in the pool for the swim part of swim-bike-run. I'm quite proud of the 14 finishers medals (which somehow survived the flooding from Hurricane Ian) hanging from a small bulletin board in our home. They are still a point of pride in my perseverance beginning at the age of 60 when I decided to leave behind the life of a couch potato.

However, even though the Garmin has had considerably less work to do as age reduces my athletic endeavors, it can no longer summon the energy to allow its battery be recharged. Enter the Apple watch, my Christmas present to myself.

At this point in my life, I dread steep learning curves, especially if they’re coming wrapped in technology that is new to me. However, I talked myself into believing that this new device would reawaken my motivation to back away from my computer and start to push my heartrate (and my waistline) to healthier numbers.

For those few of you who don’t already have this little marvel, I can only say that, so far, in order to meet the goals it demanded I set, I find myself leaping to my feet at its command to stand every hour and move around the house for at least a minute to meet its requirements of hourly movement. If my morning walk with my dog falls short of my daily exercise goal, I hop on the treadmill and make sure I last long enough feel my watch vibrate and congratulate me on closing the exercise ring.

Ah, yes. Those brightly colored rings which gradually close as you reach the day’s goals, or which remain open to remind you of your failure. I’m hoping it’s not only the novelty that keeps me marching to this insistent drummer. What I really need is a way to shame myself into fulfilling my recurrent New Year’s resolution to write and submit at least one new short mystery story a month. Alas, right now, I’m more focused on my exercise rings than on submission deadlines.

But there’s always next year.

For now, I wish all of you a joyful, healthy, peaceful new year.

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My first published romance, Star/Struck," is now available in the anthology A Winter Promise.


When astrophysicist Cassie Moon encounters self-described astrologer Steele Grayson, the game is on. Will Cassie's opinion of astrology overcome her attraction to the maddening man or will the romance of the once-in-800-years Christmas Star win out?

I hope it's as much fun for you to read as it was to write! Happy holidays!

Available only through this link that will take you to amazon:

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